Stay Comfy With Flat Foot Technology

  • Townie
  • Yellow Townie
  • Flat Foot Technology

Let’s face it, when it comes to bikes, one size does not fit all. Not every­one wants to ride with a more aggres­sive, bent-over posture.Some aren’t huge fans of those silly skinny tires while oth­ers aren’t the biggest fans of feel­ing up so high and hav­ing to lean the bike over to get on and off. For those look­ing for a sim­ple, com­fort­able, and ridicu­lously easy to ride bike, Elec­tra has the bike for you, the pedal for­ward “flat foot tech­nol­ogy” Townie.

For the longest time, this kind of bike just did not exist. What they did dif­fer­ently is sim­ple, really: take the old, tra­di­tional approach to frame design, chal­lenge all of those tra­di­tions and come up with some­thing com­pletely new. Instead of plac­ing the crank arms directly below the seat tube, Elec­tra sim­ply moved every­thing for­ward in the frame design and voila! A new breed of bicy­cle was born.

By rota­tion the rid­ing posi­tion back­wards 23 degrees, you have an ergonomic, upright seat­ing posi­tion that lets you plant your feet flat on the ground any time.

This for­ward ped­al­ing ride reduces neck and arm fatigue, and sets a new stan­dard in com­fort for the indus­try. Many find it eas­ier on the knees and lower back.

A pic­ture is worth a thou­sand words, so I will let it do most of the talking:

*cour­tesy of Electra’s website.

Elec­tra really does expand the level of com­fort and enjoy­ment one can have on two wheels with their flat foot tech­nol­ogy. It is like rid­ing in the bicy­cle ver­sion of a Cadil­lac, seriously.

We are now stock­ing a nice selec­tion of Elec­tra bicy­cles and their acces­sories. Stop by to try it out and feel the flat foot difference.