Pssst! The Secret Is Out — Secret Drink Mix Review

  • Secret Drink Mix

Unlike most energy drinks, the ingre­di­ents of Secret Drink Mix are any­thing but secre­tive. There is no gim­micky or quacky sci­ence behind this prod­uct. The aver­age per­son can read and under­stand the label and that’s just the begin­ning of why we like this product.

It doesn’t con­tain preser­v­a­tives like ben­zoates, or arti­fi­cial fla­vors and col­ors. All fla­vors come from freeze dried fruit, so the fla­vor is pleas­ant, mild and clean. You get all the ben­e­fits of sus­tained energy with­out feel­ing like you need to rinse your mouth out afterwards.

And best of all, when you’re done with a long ride or run, you don’t have an upset stom­ach or feel sick due to elec­trolyte imbal­ance. It’s actu­ally higher in sodium (2 to 3 times) and other elec­trolytes than most energy drinks yet you’re not burp­ing it up all day.  All those elec­trolytes pre­vent cramp­ing as well.

Another plus is its low calo­rie count. It’s not com­pet­ing with your energy bar or gel for space in your stom­ach or daily calo­rie count. We are sold on Secret Drink Mix!

Duane Eber­hart and Louis Paumier,

Cyclists and runners…

P.S. Secret Drink Mix was for­mu­lated by Allen and Stacy Lim, a sport sci­en­tist and a PhD exer­cise phys­i­ol­o­gist and nutri­tion sci­en­tist. They devel­oped this in sup­port of pro tour teams and kept it under­cover for years due to nutri­tional spon­sor­ship for var­i­ous teams. Come try it out. We sell it in sin­gle serv­ing or pound packages.