Need To See On Your Epic Night Rides?

  • Evening Bike Ride
  • Light & Motion - Urban 300

Bleak, cold, dreary dark­ness – those words bring two things to mind for me: spelunk­ing, and win­ter­time in Ohio. Sadly, the long days of sum­mer sun­shine have left us with shorter days, early evenings and far less time to squeeze rides into busy sched­ules. For many, win­ter forces us down deep into our own dis­mal trainer caves for the sea­son (hope­fully you don’t need a head­lamp or climb­ing gear to get there). There are, how­ever, a few brave souls pos­sess­ing the sheer deter­mi­na­tion to con­tinue rid­ing through late fall and win­ter. I do not con­sider myself one of these peo­ple yet, but I am slowly dab­bling in the art of win­ter and night rid­ing. One of the biggest assets to this lit­tle exper­i­ment of mine is the Light & Motion Urban 300 headlight.

Typ­i­cally I will boast to you about how won­der­ful my Black­burn Flea head­light and tail­light set are – and they really are great — but this time of year demands more of a rider and his equip­ment. It is not enough to just be seen as you nar­rowly escape dusk on the way home from your local club ride. If you want to keep log­ging miles, you need a light that will not only boldly declare your pres­ence, but also allow you to dodge pot­holes with ease at a brisk pace. There are many lights that promise this, but they often come with a high price tag or lack qual­ity. Thank­fully, Light & Motion designed a superb light, and at a price that doesn’t break the piggy bank.

At $149.99 the Urban 300 deliv­ers a pow­er­ful, nicely focused beam that floods the road in front of you. Unlike some lights on the mar­ket, Light & Motion went the extra mile to cer­tify all their lights as “Lumen Tested” – a guar­an­tee of lumen accu­racy. You are really get­ting the 300 lumens adver­tised, and my expe­ri­ence with the Urban 300 backs that completely.

Speak­ing of my expe­ri­ence — in our area there is what we call an “Amish Night” club ride every Wednes­day that starts up close to when Day­light Sav­ings Time rears its ugly head and the sun sud­denly starts dis­ap­pear­ing before 6 P.M. With the Urban 300 I was able to ride con­fi­dently and com­fort­ably in a pack cruis­ing along at 20 mph through the hills and dales of amish coun­try. At one point I even found myself fear­lessly bomb­ing down a nice hill at 40 mph to chase down another rider! I couldn’t have done any of it so com­fort­ably with­out a trusty headlight.

You’ve heard enough about my thoughts on this fine light. Let’s cut to the chase and lay out all the cards. Here is a short­list of its fea­tures:
[Light & Motion - Urban 300]
– 300 lumen
– 112 grams
– Bat­tery Life Indi­ca­tor
– USB Charger
– Tool-less mount
– Hel­met mount
– Great bat­tery life
– 2 hrs/4 hrs/8 hrs/ and 24 hrs when flashing.

For $149.99 it’s hard to beat the value that Light & Motion is offer­ing con­sumers. If you are a lit­tle more sen­si­tive to the price, I’d urge you to con­sider the Urban 180 – it packs a sim­i­lar punch at nearly half the price ($89.99), half the lumens, and with­out the hel­met mount. Either way, if you are any­thing like me, want­ing to stay out of the trainer cave as long as pos­si­ble, con­sider Light & Motion. Their prod­ucts pack a great punch per dol­lar spent.

If you are curi­ous about the Urban 300 or 180 Ride On car­ries var­i­ous Light & Motion prod­ucts. Stop by to demo any of our products.

Com­ments or ques­tions? Do you want to hear about my won­der­ful Flea light set?
Leave them below and one of us will respond quickly. We’d love to hear your thoughts.