The Wooman 2011 Check Presentations And Recap

  • Riders starting in Mansfield

Recently, we pre­sented dona­tion checks to Wooster Com­mu­nity Hos­pi­tal and the Pat Kracker Breast Can­cer Fund for funds raised through the WooMan cycling tour in Ohio as well our Pink Rib­bon Bagel cam­paign. In it’s sec­ond year, the WooMan has now raised nearly $22,000 towards rais­ing breast can­cer aware­ness in the mid-Ohio region.

The WooMan is a bicy­cle tour between Wooster and Mans­field con­sist­ing of 20, 50 and 100 mile routes. This year we had 180 rid­ers turn out on a beau­ti­ful sunny Sep­tem­ber day. The tour itself is an emo­tional jour­ney for many of the rid­ers who raise pledges and ride in mem­ory of loved ones lost to breast can­cer or in honor of those who are survivors.

Thanks to the efforts of our Mans­field team lead by Clint Saiben and our Wooster team lead by Brett Mar­tin who pro­vided all of food and hos­pi­tal­ity in the 50 mile dis­tance between their cafes. Spe­cial thanks goes out to Chris LaPointe for set­ting up and man­ag­ing the mid-point rest stop at The Win­field Bed & Break­fast and to Mark Cac­chio for his over­all direc­tion and lead­er­ship of the event.

Our Wooster part­ner is Wooster Com­mu­nity Hos­pi­tal (WCH) rep­re­sented by Tri­cia James, Devel­op­ment Spe­cial­ist at WCH and our Mans­field part­ner is the Pat Kracker Breast Can­cer Fund (PKBC) lead by Dave Kracker who lost his first wife to breast can­cer in 1996. We have been blessed with the efforts needed to plan and run the WooMan by a com­mit­tee of vol­un­teer mem­bers includ­ing Tri­cia James, Dave Kracker, Bill & Jackie Buck­wal­ter from Ride On Bicy­cles in Wooster, Terry & Sheila White and Diane Ham­mett from Mid-Ohio Bik­ers (MOB) cycling club, along with the efforts of many oth­ers from MOB, WCH, PKBC and our own Pan­era Bread asso­ciates as well as Tri­cia James’ hus­band Peter who cre­ated our web­site,

It has been a spe­cial honor work­ing with these com­mu­nity part­ners towards affect­ing an impor­tant cause in the local region.

Thank you all and God Bless!