Woodu 2013 Results

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WooDu results avail­able in the fol­low­ing PDF: WooDu Results

Being a first year event, we cer­tainly have plenty of room for improve­ments, one of which being our tim­ing method. We apol­o­gize greatly for the incon­ve­nience of gaps in our data for some of you. Next year we plan to use an elec­tronic sys­tem which should elim­i­nate those prob­lems and allow us to have results up at the event quite quickly and get on to an awards cer­e­mony more easily.

On that note, we apol­o­gize for drop­ping the ball with regards to an awards cer­e­mony. In the shuf­fle of try­ing to sort out these results we failed to do a good job of get­ting every­one together for awards. For those age groupers that have not received your awards, we will be mail­ing them shortly.

We want to con­tinue to improve this event so please send us any con­struc­tive crit­i­cism you have. We want to make this top notch in com­ing years.

Thanks again to all who showed up!