Ode to Grandview
It was a sunny day in August
And the Ride On boys were primed
For the Grandview bicycle race
Ready to win the prize
When the opening gun sounded
The boys were in good shape
With Bill and Matt up front
Joining Todd and Eric in the 3/4 race.
The rain had dissipated
But had left a small residue
On the slippery city streets
It would prove our boy’s undo
The first lap was eventful
When the riders crested in view
Bill hit a slick patch and cratered
And his teammate, Todd, did too.
Sliding sideways on their hips
The boys refused to admit defeat
Bill replaced his chain and rode on
And Todd struggled to rejoin the heat
Todd clambered up the hill
With the pack in sight ahead
Inch by inch he gained on them
His competitive spirit it fed
Rounding the last lap
Was a sight to behold
With Todd again in the lead
Pacing the rest of the fold
It came down to three riders
Who were fighting for the prize
But once again the slick streets
Would be our boys demise
Around the final corner
Forcing the pace once more
Todd felt his bike disappear under him
And he bit the dust as before
Bruised, tired and battered
He watched as the pack flew by
He watched as his teammate, Matt
Took away first prize
But never one to give up
No matter what the outcome
Todd got back on his bike
His race was not yet done
He forged up the last hill
And crossed the finish line
Raised his hands in victory
A race conquered sublime
It’s not always the fastest
Nor the victor who gets the most applause
But the one who forges on ahead
Against the greatest odds.