Ode To Grandview

  • Todd Attacks

Ode to Grandview

It was a sunny day in August
And the Ride On boys were primed
For the Grand­view bicy­cle race
Ready to win the prize

When the open­ing gun sounded
The boys were in good shape
With Bill and Matt up front
Join­ing Todd and Eric in the 3/4 race.

The rain had dis­si­pated
But had left a small residue
On the slip­pery city streets
It would prove our boy’s undo

The first lap was event­ful
When the rid­ers crested in view
Bill hit a slick patch and cratered
And his team­mate, Todd, did too.

Slid­ing side­ways on their hips
The boys refused to admit defeat
Bill replaced his chain and rode on
And Todd strug­gled to rejoin the heat

Todd clam­bered up the hill
With the pack in sight ahead
Inch by inch he gained on them
His com­pet­i­tive spirit it fed

Round­ing the last lap
Was a sight to behold
With Todd again in the lead
Pac­ing the rest of the fold

It came down to three rid­ers
Who were fight­ing for the prize
But once again the slick streets
Would be our boys demise

Around the final cor­ner
Forc­ing the pace once more
Todd felt his bike dis­ap­pear under him
And he bit the dust as before

Bruised, tired and bat­tered
He watched as the pack flew by
He watched as his team­mate, Matt
Took away first prize

But never one to give up
No mat­ter what the out­come
Todd got back on his bike
His race was not yet done

He forged up the last hill
And crossed the fin­ish line
Raised his hands in vic­tory
A race con­quered sublime

It’s not always the fastest
Nor the vic­tor who gets the most applause
But the one who forges on ahead
Against the great­est odds.