The Amazing Bicycle Race 2013

  • The Amazing Bicycle Race

Who: All cyclists

What: A bike scav­enger hunt

When: Sat­ur­day, June 1, 9 a.m.

Where: 139 N. Mar­ket St., Wooster, OH

Why: To prove your cycling prowess and men­tal skills and to have fun!

Teams will start from the shop and with a list of stops around Wooster. You will be given a map but you will be respon­si­ble for deter­min­ing your route to each stop, where you will pick up a clue. Feel free to use GPS or what­ever you want to deter­mine the best route to the next stop. When all six clues are col­lected, you will return to the shop to solve the puzzle.

Teams can be made up of any num­ber of rid­ers; how­ever, you have to stay together dur­ing the whole race. You can­not divide and conquer.

At each stop, you will be given a clue. While you can try to fig­ure out what each clue rep­re­sents, you won’t be given the puz­zle you’re to solve until you’re back at the shop.

At var­i­ous stops, you will have the oppor­tu­nity to enjoy a snack, shop, or pick up coupons for future use. You can decide whether you want to go for the fastest time or enjoy each stop along the way and see some of the best-kept secrets in Wayne County. Refresh­ments will be avail­able at the fin­ish line.

Prizes are as fol­lows: 1st — $50 Ride On Gift Card, 2nd – Box of Gu, 3rd – Ride On T-Shirt.

Cost is $20/participant.Pre-Register and save until the day of, $15.